JeppesenJeppviewCycle1708fullversion The provisions of this appendix shall prevail. 2. Requirements to invalidate an act of a state body or local self-government body in the event that the state registration of a legal entity has been carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Code, as well as requirements to recognize transactions made by a citizen as invalid due to his lack of legal capacity are not subject to satisfaction, if in as a result of the transaction, the participant in the transaction has the rights and obligations provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 172, paragraph 2.2 of Article 176.1 and Article 177 of this Code. 3. The claims provided for by paragraph two of paragraph 2 of Article 187 and paragraph 3.1 of Article 188 of this Code shall be sent to the court for consideration. 4. Claims to challenge the decisions of international commercial organizations, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also in connection with their entrepreneurial activities, in the event of transfer of the exclusive right to use such decisions, when such a right can be transferred to such organizations (with the exception of decisions arbitration court), are not sent to the court. 5. The claims of interested parties, provided for by paragraph 3 of Article 185 of this Code and included, among other things, in court summonses sent to take measures to secure the claim, must be considered by the court. Article 186 1. If there is no fault of the debtor, the penalty shall be paid for each day of delay in the performance of the obligation, regardless of whether the time for the performance of the obligation stipulated by the contract has expired or the time for the performance of the obligation has come. If the part of the obligation late due to the fault of the debtor with a penalty is less than one third of the share of its total amount and the delay in fulfilling the obligation for non-payment of the penalty does not exceed one month, such a penalty is not charged for the entire amount of the obligation. If the penalty due to the fault of the creditor is a part of the obligations, and the delay in their performance is more than one month or more than two consecutive months, the accrued penalty for this penalty increases in proportion to the amount of the delay. The penalties specified in paragraph 1 of this article shall be collected for each calendar day of the delayed performance of the obligation, in the event that the contractual terms have not been changed or the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 of this article do not apply to them. At the same time, the contractual term for the fulfillment of obligations, the term of which is determined by a period of time calculated in years or months, in accordance with the third paragraph of clause 5 of Article 424 of this Code, is determined for a period of time equal to a calendar month. In the cases provided for by paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 425 and paragraph 4.1 of this Article and other provisions of this Code 3e8ec1a487
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